Ketoctin Church Cemetery is a beautiful place to visit loved ones, or just to experience an oasis of peace and tranquility amid an urban setting.  It offers a connection to where we came from, and helps us relax through is historic calmness. Most people are probably not thinking about where they'd wish to be buried, but if they took a few minutes to actually consider what should their final resting place be, Ketoctin Church Cemetery would definitely be high on their list. Ketoctin Church & Cemetery is not only a historic landmark but checks most all the boxes, with their pristine grounds, massive oaks, vast meadows and a breathtaking backdrop of the Short Hill Mountains. This setting is deep in history and immediately gives the visitor a peaceful, intimate feel, as they make their way down Ketoctin Church Road and approaching grounds. 

Ketoctin Church Cemetery is an active cemetery, as well as a historic destination for visitors from all over the country. It boasts gravesites from the early 1700's to current day and is one of the first churches in Loudoun County. They have in-ground burial sites available for casket or cremation burials. Whether you are a new comer, or family looking for sites near established lots, the Trustees will be happy to try and accommodate your every need. Funeral Chapel services are also offered in the church. 

Ketoctin Baptist Church